1 Jun, 2020 | Advice, General
It’s estimated that around 6.5 million people in the UK are carers which is roughly 1 in 8 adults. Social care workers enable people – particularly those who require some extra practical…

21 May, 2020 | Advice
Generally, a remote area is a location that is a considerable time and distance from help. It can also present some challenging conditions. Getting to and from this area and…

14 Feb, 2020 | Advice
Figures obtained by the GMB trade union under the Freedom of Information Act have uncovered that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) received a total of 622 reports of serious injuries…
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13 Nov, 2019 | General
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Britain’s regulator for workplace health and safety – has published its annual injury and ill-health statistics report. While Britain remains one of the…

12 Jul, 2019 | Lone Working
Deciding on a lone worker safety solution can be difficult. With so many options available on the market, you want to make sure that you’re selecting the best one for…

20 Jun, 2019 | Health & Wellbeing, Lone Working
For some, being a lone worker is a choice – such as those who work from home. However, for most, lone working will be a necessary part of the job.…

27 Mar, 2019 | Health & Wellbeing
The food industry is one of the UK’s largest manufacturing sectors, contributing billions of pounds to the UK economy every year. Such a large industry requires thousands of employees to…

28 Nov, 2018 | Advice, Health & Wellbeing, General
It’s an unfortunate reality that people get attacked. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, how should you act? And what can you do to protect yourself? Attacks…

27 Nov, 2018 | Advice, Lone Working
When lone working, you can be exposed to greater risk than when working in a team. Without the added assistance of a colleague to help in difficult situations, it is…

17 Oct, 2018 | Advice
What is a MEWP? MEWP is an acronym for Mobile Elevator Working Platforms; a piece of machinery that is used for completing work at height. Working at height poses many…