Lone Working and The Police
Fighting domestic abuse
There are some truly frightening statistics about domestic abuse in the UK. For instance, one in four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.
Each and every minute, one case of domestic abuse is reported to the police and perhaps most shocking of all, on average, two women a week are killed by a current or former partner.
With around three million women experiencing violence in Britain each year, it’s a significant national problem. Domestic abuse is devastating to individuals and their families and a constant drain on public resources.

Peoplesafe supporting support the police
Protecting vulnerable individuals who are victims of domestic violence or witness protection programmes requires instant and regular use of resources – and can be very expensive.
Peoplesafe safety solutions are already helping to provide an invaluable source of support.
When our alarms are provided to vulnerable people at risk, we can immediately assess all alarm activations and from listening in to calls, can also assess whether immediate police action is required.
Our safety solutions are already saving invaluable police time and resource and with every alarm call recorded, we can provide crucial evidence where needed.
Our devices are also easily transferable between users enabling them to be reused again and again at no extra cost.

Body worn cameras in the police
Almost every UK police force in the UK now uses bodycams. Some forces, like the Metropolitan police, issue cameras to every frontline officer.
According to Police Scotland, the quality of evidence provided by body worn cameras has created a spike in guilty pleas, helping victims to get justice quicker. Similarly, police equipped with body worn cameras receive 93% fewer complaints against them (Cambridge University), which is helping to increase public confidence and trust.
Cameras are also a useful deterrent for anyone about to assault an officer, as any attack will be caught on camera.
Discover our body worn video solution