Personal Safety Fears – The Missing Link In Your Wellbeing Strategy
As many as 6.8 million workers are concerned about their personal safety every week. This doesn’t just apply to lone and vulnerable workers, but extends to every part of life, including everyday commuting where 60% of people feel unsafe travelling in unsociable hours. With these increases in personal safety fears, how is it impacting employee wellbeing and retention and what could employers do to build this into their strategy?
In this webinar you can learn:
- How personal safety concerns employees across all industries
- About the gap between employer and employees’ perceptions of personal safety
- How wellbeing, job satisfaction and retention can all be negatively impacted
- About the benefits that organisations are experiencing by providing solutions for their staff
- How to review the perceptions of personal safety of your employees outside of the workplace
- What you can do to build new procedures into your wellbeing strategy.