Talent Exodus & Rising Business Costs

The result of personal safety concerns in Professional Services

The Professional Services sector employs 21.4% of workers in the UK, the highest percentage within any single occupation. This includes lawyers, architects, accountants, financial advisers, engineers, and consultants, among others.

While these largely office-based, or hybrid, workers may not be necessarily regarded high-risk, many of them work alone, outside of traditional office hours, or travel regularly. This is leading to the majority of people within the sector fearing for their safety on a daily basis. The report finds that:

  • 71% worry about personal safety when working late
  • 75% worry about personal safety when travelling for business
  • 69% worry about personal safety on their commute
  • 24% said they would leave a role due to personal safety concerns

Naz Dossa, Chief Executive of Peoplesafe commented: “Professional Service companies are failing their people and the stats strongly suggest they will pay a high price in productivity and lost talent if they don’t wake up and turn their attention to employee safety. It is clear that they are not delivering the basics to keep their people safe.”

Download the full report to see the impact of personal safety fears within the professional services:

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